Tag Archives: wadi

Day 250 – It’s sinking in

This view greeted me from our kitchen window in the morning

This view greeted me from our kitchen window in the morning

Time to leave Muscat. Not without visiting the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque though. Since our visit to Muscat fell mostly on a Friday, we had no chance to see it so far. It opens at 8am on Saturday mornings so we planned to pack up and visit it before riding on.

Breakfast was had in our studio kitchen, which makes it so nice and cheap. Packing went okay but then we realized that the mosque is 20km in the wrong direction which dampened the mood a little. We had to see it anyway.

Once we were at the car park, I took out my headscarf to put it on. It is more difficult than it looks. Unsure if I had to cover all hair, I kept tugging on my hijab self-consciously. Which made the whole thing dissolve. *sigh* I can feel some youtube tutorials coming up in the future. Continue reading