Tag Archives: water buffaloes

Day 205 – Hordes of the Underdark

Rice fields and mountains in the early morning

Rice fields and mountains in the early morning

This was a neigh perfect day! Gosh, was that day trip amazing. To think that we almost did not go!

I am still on and off with some kind of infection. Never bad enough to need a full rest day, but it is getting annoying none the less. Regardless, after a nice breakfast on this surprising but refreshingly crisp morning, we decided to do what we came here for.

The road to Kong Lor was in itself a highlight. This whole area is a vast fertile plain ringed on all sides by limestone hills jutting out like crystals from the flat expanse. On it, there is not much going on but (mostly rice) farming and some cute villages. Even the high voltage transmission lines from the hydros did not look out of place. To top it all of, the road was sealed and in pretty good condition. Continue reading