Day 23 – Go with the flow

We said we would only stay one night. Unfortunately, and at no fault of the campground, the night was not the most refreshing one. Number 3 cried through the witching hour. Molars come easy, most of our friends say – apparently, Number 3 begs to differ.

Everybody a bit cranky, not in the most efficient of spirits, packing went slowly. It was also a bit overcast, so the (desperately needed) washing from the night before took its right time to dry. Instead of literally watching our clothes dry, we decided to break it up and let the little one explore the camp ground.

tough night, time to explore

First, he cautiously waved at the young Dutch family I had a good chat with last night. Then he set his eyes on the big price: The only age appropriate playmate around. Once again, the camper population is almost exclusively divided between (mostly Dutch) retirees and young German parents on their parental leave trips. His playmate was part of the second group.

Jonna, it turned out, was almost exactly the same age as Number 3 – and almost uncannily alike in development. In contrast to our grasshopper, this one came with an elder sibling. So it happed that we first stopped, then chatted and in the end “occupied” the spot of this German family. The elder sister was called Rahel. Number 3 took an immediate liking, and she was very good with the little ones. Or maybe it was her flash red Pucky pushbike that captured his interests.

In a bit of a playground conversation situation we ended up all on a blanket and in a very pleasant chat. Pia (Jan took the opportunity of 3 supervising adults to the same number of kids to socialise himself J) shared a bit of their travel story so far, and time went by. Decision time came and as the sun came out a bit, it was just too good a moment and place to be interrupted by departure. So we will stay another night. With that off our shoulders, things took a turn to the bright side.

Late night blogging

We moved the whole cabal over to our camp when the obligatory 12 noon Dutch campground lawnmower brigade had bugged us long enough. I had a chance to show off our mobile “cave” to Rahel and we got some tips on what to do with the afternoon.

After a great lunch finding a creative use for the odd Portuguese cheese I bought the other day, and a long nap by the sleepers of the clan, we buckled up for a bit of walking. There was a loop walk following the little river Mira right next to the camp and through the surrounding hills. 5 km seemed just our thing.

The start of the track was the best part, following the riverbank for two kilometres. It was very much our thing, with a few rugged bits and beautiful views of the valley. We took our good time and had a break half way for some fresh fruit and a chance for Number 3 to stretch his legs.

All in all we were out for a bit more than two hours. All the washing was dry now, of course. A quick bread and spreads dinner and a little romp around our camp gave us enough time to let the evening fade out with a bit more good company. I still had most of a bottle of red wine lying about – I needed just a swig for cooking. So we kind of invited ourselves to Pia, Jan, Rahel and Jonna’s dinner baring gifts.

It turned into a lovely warm evening sitting and chatting. Dinner was even vegetarian, hence Nina could tuck in for a second meal as well. When we came back to our campsite about half an hour past bed time for the little one, everyone was in a good spirit. It was the right decision to hang around – I think we have learned from our last stop in Spain!