Tag Archives: Wellington

Naomi’s party

This will probably contain a lot of rambling…

We arrived at the party place at about 9pm and ran into Hamish and Nick on the front door.
Not many people were there already which meant that Salem was still around though a bit skittish because of all the people it didn’t know. Anyway, trust me to find the cat first before I see people I know. =P I went through the lounge where nobody was, into the kitchen and on the way into the room with people, I found Salem and was distracted. It is such a beauty! Completely black and very beautiful yellow eyes. I patted it for about 3 minutes and then Ben and other people came that way and it disappeared. “Oh, you found an animal, haven’t you?” – “Yeah, it’s a black cat. It’s gone now. Probably scared because of all the people.” – “Yeah, I’m scary. *grin*”
I like Ben. It was funny in the game already and we talked basically on the whole way to the party. Apparently I was the first German roleplayer he ever met.
For the first hour basically I was quite occupied with finding Salem and patting it. *gg* It mostly sat on the top of a chair in a corner. Though suddenly it jumped onto the lap of one of the guys living there, this is how I got to know Mike. *lol* Talked to Mike, patted the cat, then having the cat put onto my lap.
More people arrived and I was surprised about how many people I actually knew there. In one of the corners there were Nick and Becky, Paula and Hamish, Analiese and her boyfriend Matt. Then there was quite a big circle of roleplayers that I know, Simeon and Marie were there and Aaron was there, without Bex though.
Around 10ish things started to happen outside. They had a big tonne with a fire in it so we were standing around it, feeling like hobos. =P Naomi started all of the fireworks which was nice but not that much.
But people actually did fire action too. Sam was starting it but Hamish soon joined him, Paula had fire poi with her which Matt used a lot too and she was doing stuff with the staff as well. It looks really cool! I would burn myself so badly but watching it is awesome. Somehow I ended up being the person who opened and closed the jar with kerosine for them…and my hands stank so badly afterwards. *lol* I also met Pearl who is my neighbour till tomorrow. *gg*
I hang out a lot with Aaron. He loved to be a pain in the ass though cause he tickled me so much that I completely embarrassed myself. Seriously. He tickled me and I jumped. Then he tickled me and blamed Gynn for it. He basically said “No, Gynn just tickled you! Gynn just say ‘yes'”. Which Gynn didn’t do so I explained to him that he was just accused of tickling me. “Nah, I didn’t. Not so far.” And he started to tickle-attack me. It made me jump backwards into people….*cough* I just got really paranoid…
So I decided to go to the other part of the party area. Which made me cross the dancing area. Ben was the only one on there, dancing alone to some techno. He grinned at me and tried to get me to dance as well….but I don’t dance…especially not to techno.
I got back into the talking area and Aaron continued to tickle me. Actually he tried to put my arms up so Mike Forster could tickle me. I dodged backwards and we both kinda crashed into Rohan’s wardrobe. *cough* I’ve been so classy that night. =P
Went outside to get a bit of fresh air and Sam followed me outside. Because it wasn’t raining he lit all the torches again, being challenged because I said it won’t work. =P But it was cold so we went in again soon. In the meantime, the party in the talking area had just died so I sat down next to the dancing area, watching some dancers, talking to Aaron and a bit to Hamish and Becky. Aaron was trying to get me to dance as well but I just didn’t want to.
Things got a bit quieter, people settled on the couches and the beanie bags, some food was served like sausage rolls and pizza.
At that stage I was really impressed with Mike’s energy cause he just kept bouncing and bouncing and bouncing. O.O
I was okay, a bit tired but intending to go for quite a while. Then Nick turned up again to give Becky and Hamish a lift home…and he could drop me off on the way which was just too good to not do it. I wasn’t really keen on walking through the night to get back home. So I left at about 4am.

I talked to a whole lot more people than mentioned here but to be honest, I forgot most names already. Also I somehow hugged a lot of people or got hugged. Like Gynn. Who, I think, hugged everybody before he left. *gg*


Saturday was Confusion. I didn’t make it to the first round. Cause I’m slack and didn’t get outta bed. Not really my fault as I was in bed at 2.30am the night before. =P
I barely made it to the second round as well. =P But I made it. A couple of people were playing some kind of card game that involved pointing orange guns at each others. *lol* Very funny to watch.

Second round

Yesterday was brilliant! =D
It wasn’t raining! OMG! =P It stayed dry the whole day.
I was downtown, buying postcards and other stuff to send to people [I know I’m amazed by my own subtlety, hun =P]. It was great. I felt accomplished.
And in the evening I went to see shihad which was more than great. =D *bounces* I wasn’t stupid enough to take my camera along though so I don’t have any pics. Was back at about 1.30am but couldn’t sleep till 3am which is why today is kinda torn…got up only a few hours ago. =P
Anyhow, does any of you Wellington people know a place downtown where I could have my laundry cleaned? Things that I can’t put into a washing machine like, let’s say, my winter jacket? =P

*bounces some more*
sunshine, people!

I can haz fun!!!!

Alright, so yesterday was the night where I could have done four different things. What a pity that you can only do one at a time…seriously, people, there are more nights, not everything has to happen at the same time. *lol*

Anyway, I had a ticket for the shihad concert in the town hall. I’ve never been in there and I’ve never seen shihad before. I only know about 10 songs but I was looking forward to it.
6.30pm I met up with anarchangel and got to know Paula and Jen. We waited around Reading cause more people were about to show up, we were quite a bunch in the end: 3 guys and 6 chicks. I only knew anarchangel and Nick from that one gaming session that we had so far. Getting to know Paula was cool, also Nick’s girlfriend Becky was there with her sister Rachel and another friend of Paula’s (I’ve forgotten her name…=S) who was very nice.
Plan was to have dinner. So we tried some Japanese restaurant on Cuba street. They said we could have a table for nine for about 50min, afterwards it was booked. Fine with us. We got some seriously fast service and I went “whoa!” at the amount of food nine people can eat. No wonder they didn’t wanna say no to nine customers.
At quarter to 8 we were outta there again. And up for some pre-concert drinks. And guess what…somehow we ended up going to Blend. *lol* I’ve only been to Blend two times before, once to have breakfast there and the second time for the legendary free bubblys night with da girlz. =)
Outside of Blend’s a girl was standing in a rendeer costume. O.o One glance on the “what’s on” sign told us that it was Midwinter Christmas at Blend’s that night!!! Nearly had a laughing fit and the girl gave us “2-4-1” vouchers to get us in. Blend was fun, more dressed up people, crappy music that you can sing along to, and quite a bit of alcohol in not that much time. =P Paula and Jen danced with the rendeer girl, Rachel and Nick played a game of pool and the rest sat around a table, singing smashing hits like “I feel like dancing”, “Spinning around”, “push the button” and “Uptown girl”. It was a lot of fun but the music seriously got worse and worse. *lol*
Around 9 o’clock we left for the concert. “We” were a smaller group now, anarchangel and Simeon, Becky, Rachel, Friend who’s name I’ve forgotten and me.
First impression that I had…”how s.m.a.l.l. is the venue. O.O” Also there weren’t many people in the hall so far. We listened to the last couple of songs from the first band which I liked. Then we waited for the second band. And I talked to anarchangel. Seriously, I was shocked to get to know I lived in Wellington longer than he had. O.o Since I met him in Wellington I just thought yeah, he is from Chch but had lived in Welly for the last couple of years. O.o Oh well…seems like I’m the local then. O.o =P
The Mint chicks came on stage and I didn’t like them. We lost the three girls somewhere during that gig, so it was down to anarchangel, Simeon and me. Anarchangel later got a txt that they moved to the back of the hall. Yeah, we were quite close to the stage, right underneath the left box and people were going slightly crazy with the Mint chicks already.
Then it was time to set things up for shihad. For my taste, we were too close to the stage but we decided to stay and just move back with the flow when people start pogging right infront of the stage. People moved further into the stage direction and I let all of them pass cause I didn’t wanna be pushed even closer to the stage. I was still impressed how many gaps there were nevertheless. I mean, yeah, I was squished a lot but if I would have taken five steps to the left side and maybe about five to the back, I could have stand with basically no one touching me. O.o
Shihad was coming on stage. People got into party mood. And he made us jump. A lot. *gg* You could feel the vibration of all the jumping people on the wooden floor. *gg* In the beginning anarchangel and Simeon were right behind me. After the second or third song I moved two steps to the side though cause the guys right behind us were pushing me into the crowd too much. Afterwards it was better. The girl right next to me had similar problems but then she had her boyfriend right behind her. =P
Anyway, the concert was fucking a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!!!! It rocked a lot!!! I got rid of so much energy from bouncing and dancing and singing/screaming along to the songs that I knew and from “woooohoooo” ing…*LOL*…it was great. =P I lost anarchangel sometime but it didn’t really matter cause all we were doing was bouncing and singing anyway. They played about four songs of which I knew the lyrics by heart so of course I sang. I love singing at concerts. =P Two of them were “Comfort me” and “Pacifier”. I love those songs!!! They’re so NZ for me!
Energy was pretty good in the hall after anarchangel had said it might be calm which it wasn’t. Shihad stressed how great it is to be back home and the crowd loved it.
I got a lot of sweat on me, addtionally to my own sweat of course, half a beer was spilled over my right side and I lost the belt of my winter jacket. The way I re-found it: A guy picked it up, wrapped it around his head, as a bandana for his sweaty forehead and hair. Yum, people…but I have it back now. *gg* My stuff needs serious cleaning now though.
At the final song I also re-found anarchangel cause he darted from somewhere behind me into the middle of the pit, going nuts for one last time.
And then it was over. And we three gathered, all of us being blushed in our faces, quite sweaty, dehydrated and with ringing in our ears. The girls had left the concert before it was over. O.o For the first ten minutes we couldn’t really talk because we were momentarily deaf…only screaming in each other’s ears worked and that’s not very helpful for a conversation. What I loved was that about 10-15min afterwards shihad appeared to meet and greet the fans, take pics and sign stuff. For free! I’m not used to that anymore. *gg*
Walked home to Kelburn from the town hall…which was soooooooooo familiar…uphill all the time. =) Had a shower and tried to fall into bed which didn’t work. My adrenaline kept me awake for about an hour longer. =)
Fucking great!!!!

Temperature dropped. I’m now at the point where I can see my breath…inside the flat of course. I think all my body can do right now is trying to keep my inside temperature up which is quite hard…given it feels like a 30 degrees gap. =P Gotta love Wellington winter. =P
The weather forecast foretells a subtropical storm for the weekend. It’s gonna rain straight through to Monday.


Kelburn is even mentioned. *gg* The strongest winds struck this morning, with wind speeds of 117kmh registered at Mt Kaukau about 6am, while the suburb of Kelburn registered winds of 106kmh.
Anyway, I was up and outside by about 9am to have breakfast with Becky in Espressoholic. Pancakes…*drools* On the way there, it wasn’t raining but the wind seriously tried to blow us away…or rather onto the street. *gg*
After some shopping I stayed inside today, tried to finally start reading uni stuff and did some laundry. What actually happened was me falling asleep on the couch completely wrapped into two blankets. *lol* I guess I’m hibernating now. Also, I’m tempted to put on gloves now while typing cause it’s very very cold indeed. =P
*rofl* Jesse just came in and asked me WHY I choose this time of a year to come back to Wellington. It’s not like I had much of a choice really. =P Can’t take my holidays when it’s summer over here. =P
I think we’re good now…having conversations is good for getting over the weirdness stage. =P
Lovely place