Tag Archives: Wellington

Beerflow or Beer-Floh?

We had Aaron and Brendan over for dinner yesterday (Tina is in Auckland) and Flo tried another one of the local beers. It all kinda started back in Germany with Peter finding NZ brewed DB draught beer in Zurich and buying two cans of it for Flo. Flo really liked it…

Since we’re in Wellington, he is really impressed with the variety of beer and started to try his way through the brands (slowly as alcohol is quite expensive). Yesterday at the dinner, our two guests came up with the idea of Flo writing a diary or even better a blog about all the beers he tries and what he thinks of them. A possible name that came up was beerflow which I slightly changed into Beer-Floh. =P I don’t think Flo will go for a seperate blog but maybe he will write about some on here… Continue reading


Flo coffee

Flo coffee

Nothing really new here so I thought I’d share a couple of impressions from today and the last couple of weeks. =) Especially for folks who are not on facebook, google+ or instagram.

Mostly, I try to read in the mornings and after lunch so that I get through the books that I brought here and have a better understanding of what I am doing. =P Today was very sunny though and I convinced Flo to go shopping with me (so boring, Nina!) and then have a coffee out in the sunshine. The sun here is really strong, and Flo and I both got a bit sunburnt just from the tiny coffee break (about 20 min).  Continue reading

Falling in love …

Red rocks walk 1

The red rocks walk

… with the land and especially with the  roads! Sooooo marvelous, and it was just the two very short ride outs you can do in 2 hours starting in downtown Wellington.

Nina and I went for two ride outs this week. The first one was on her birthday. Although we missed the sun by maybe 2 hours, it was still gorgeous. I am fairly certain, that this is going to be my new “Hausstrecke”. Continue reading

Winter swim

I made it!!!! =D
I said I won’t leave NZ without being in the ocean once and that’s what I did today. =)
It’s been a really lovely day so I had passionfruit and chocolate ice cream. I managed to drip chocolate ice cream onto my jeans…anyway, while eating it I realized that it’s really really warm and thus probably one of my last chances to jump into the sea without it being some crazy night swim. I went home, packed my stuff and got to Oriental Bay. I swear every single Wellingtonian was at the waterfront today. So lots of witnesses for my swim. No pictures as proof though as Aaron chickened out. =P
Okay, that’s not entirely fair…he was roleplaying the whole day and it’s not like we made a date outta it. It was quite spontanious.
So yeah…I was sitting on the beach considering if or if not…when he convinced me via txt with “Go for it. It’s gonna be a lot colder at night time.”
It was strange to be the only one who went for a swim. *gg* People look at you as if you’re slightly nuts.
And it was quite cool in just a bathing suit. But then I went in just to say I did it. It was mind-numbing cold. O.o I think I probably managed to stay in for a minute. Which equalled about five strokes out and five strokes in towards the beach again. =P What worried me a bit was that I didn’t feel the cold anymore after this minute. I mean, that’s how swimming in NZ works in summer…you just have to wait for the point when you don’t feel the cold anymore…but in winter it might not be as healthy. So I went out.

But yay, I made it!!!!! =D

Sorry for my lack of talking, posting, being sociable, whatever lately. I might have procrastinated a tiny bit too long and have to force myself to a tight schedule so I’ll be done with everything in time. And I’m not even good with sticking to it. =S

Okay, what did I do besides working for uni/procrastinating/having my mind on a certain issue? Hm…well, I played D&D on Tuesday. It was great! Mat tried to kill me again. =D One round longer of being unconsciously on the floor and his evil cleric would have touched me with…whatever…killing a dying creature and getting power from it. O.o Whoa! At least one character survived a bit longer. =P
For some reason Horst had even more crap on his mind than normally so I had to tickle him a lot more than usually. He found something dodgy in everything I said. O.o *sigh* *lol* Sometimes another language is hard…you’re dodgy without intension and without even noticing…

Today, I had a lot of plans. Get up early, read a lot, write a lot, get things done. I succeeded only marginaly. First, it took me an hour longer in the internet cafe than I had calculated for it. O.o WHY do I get 22 mails on the day I don’t really have time for that??? O.o
So I went to have lunch and then up to uni…that was the plan. The moment I left the food court on Willis, a very excited Becky called me.
See, I also have to organize stuff. My train leaves on friday morning at some time stupid like 7am. Becky said it’s cool to store my suitcase and some other stuff at her place for the week. Plan was to get it to her place tomorrow morning at 10am.
Well…she called. She is evacuated from her house. O.O There was a landslide, a big one, a tree crashed into her window as well…and the city councel told them they are not allowed back in. Problem…Becky was at home when it happened…and slightly traumatized in my opinion. So I met up with her. (Breach of “only working” plan no. 1) Okay, she calmed down, she laughed, she was okay.
We went up to uni and I went to work at about 3pm.
Tina called. Twice. So I talked to Tina…more organizing. Apparently, Tina and I will climb Mt Ruapehu on Saturday. She was very excited about it…”we’ll have a guide and we’ll get those spiky shoes for climbing on the ice and…” – “Tina, how long will this take?” – ” The whole day, about 6 or 7 hours.”  – “Tina, are you aware of the fact that I didn’t bring my tramping boots?” – ” Oh, could be a problem. I’ll ask if someone can lend you theirs.”
Alright…looks like I’ll spent a day climbing. I’m so outta shape, I’ll be dead afterwards. *LOL* But Tina told me she has to work on Sunday anyway so I can snooze and slack around. =P I just think it’s great she’s so enthusiastic about doing stuff when I’m up there. =)

Back to work with me. At about 4pm, Aaron started to txt me. We somehow decided yesterday that we’ll hang out today. Very indirectly…I could just infer it from one of his statements. =P Something about me hitting him tomorrow. O.o Whatever…(but breach of “only working” plan no.2 … big one as well)
I fucked around with reading my books till almost 5pm and then stopped. There was not much point with me txting Aaron every 10 mins or so. *lol* Went back to Nomad’s, had some TimTam slams and then met Aaron. He kept laughing at me for almost the whole evening…and the worst one, I didn’t even understand why. O.o That’s a way to make me feel stupid, just randomly crack up laughing and keep me wondering what the hell is wrong. O.o =P Oh well, I decided to speak German for a while because that way I’m at least sure about what I say. =P
But yeah, good evening. =) Watched Sweeney Todd which is very disgusting with all the blood (I crinched a lot) and then Music and lyrics which made me laugh a lot as well. And get my hair into pig tails. =P But I had cats to pat, pizza, hot chocolate, chocolate and marshmallows. So I wasn’t joking when I said I’m gonna roll out of his place…feel really quite….chubby right now. =P

And now back to my laundry with me again. =)
So on Friday, I will stop being a Nomad’s nomad and become a real nomad again for a week.

For the more visual orientated people amongst you:

birthday girl and birthday cake
Looky, looky, who’s got cake? =P
It was good cake too. With a lot of cocoa on top.
When Paula blew out the candles, she also blew cocoa powder all over me.
That’s right, I was standing out afterwards…the girl who smelled like cocoa instead of kerosene. =P

Thumbs up for Becky taking awesome pictures. =)

Paula having some of her cake

Analiese and Matt
…very cute

Paula and Matt fire dancing

That would be Naomi’s silhouette

Naomi fire breathing

Paula posing for a picture =P


Maybe I do have a faible for other people’s head wear. =P I stole Hamish’s hat. Okay, “stole” might not be the right expression because when I grabbed it, he said “go on, have it, plus a bit of sweat from my forehead.” O.o *lol* So I was wearing it…and I shouldn’t have given it back. Technically, he didn’t tell me to give it back. =P
Anyway, Hamish took another picture of me with his hat…where it’s down over my eyes. *lol* See, Hamish’s head is HUGE so the hat naturally kept falling over my eyes.

I believe this is about the second picture of the two of us…that ever existed.

Brewing of the Marmitini….ewww….*shudder*
It’s basically beer, Marmite and vanilla ice cream. O.o

Cheers! O.o

Looks like Hamish accused her of something. O.o Maybe he had it coming after all…

I got slapped! Whoa, the most horrible picture ever. =P
Mash walked over and told me that he’s seen it all, just a random attack of Naomi, he would be my witness if I wanna sue her. =P
Hamish is cracking up laughing and I’m over the first shock as well and am laughing my ass off. =P

But yeah…be aware around Naomi. O.o If she says she’ll kick your ass, she’ll do it. She most definitely has the strength for it.

Plans II

I bought my train tickets to National Park. I will leave on the 29th of August and am back in the evening of the 5th of September. Both ways by train. I got a special on the way there so it was only 49NZ$, even cheaper than the bus, so I figured I can take the train back as well. =)

It’s moving day. I will move out of Horst’s and Bet’s place and gonna reside in the Palace of Air guitar for a week. If you are confused…I will flat with Dave the tall One from the crazy flat. =P
Also I decided that afterwards I’m gonna move into Nomad’s. Again. For a couple of reasons. First of all for the nostalgic one. Second because it’s very central and I can walk everywhere. Third because I feel like a nomad and should enjoy having a bed to sleep in again after a month on couches and the floor. I don’t wanna sound unthankful because it’s been great so far and really quite comfortable but still, a week in a real bed can’t hurt. =P And as much as I love you all and love being surrounded by friends, there are times I wish I had a door that I could close for a while. =) Hope you understand it in the right way. =) It’s just a bit exhausting at times and most definitely doesn’t help with my uni stuff. *gg*

Need to plan more. Somehow I’m really lazy…O.o Oh well, I call it “a holiday” after all. =P

Teh awesomeness

Picspam and ramblings from today. The last two days were so lovely again, I hope we really have a break-through now, weatherwise. *lol*
Please don’t take me too seriously today, I am severely sleep-deprived and I managed to get myself sunburnt. Only the light version of it which will turn into a tan in no time but I feel like patting myself on the head for getting sunburnt in winter. *cough*
Here we go