Tag Archives: trampoline in the lake

Day 14 – Holidaying

Early morning on the ställplats was quite pretty. Number 3 and I even got a shower in and then Flo and I got to pack the tent without interruption as the kids watched the entertainment programme. Nah, life starts early on a farm so the tractor was already out and about but the first horse was led in the riding area under the watchful eyes of all the kids staying today.

Kid entertainment worked perfectly

It was good to get moving even though it was such a lovely place. No shade meant that it quickly got too hot for me. Both kids were tired out and fell asleep as soon as they were in the car seats. Haverud with its aqueduct was the first destination for today and a good drive away from where we stayed. About 45min into the drive, we stopped at a supermarket for a quick grab of things to eat during lunch today. By the time Flo was back, it was time to look for a good place already.

We tried to find a rest area with a view over the lake but failed and ended up in one of those giant campgrounds instead. Realizing our error, we retreated and stopped at a forest parking spot. The area was full of hiking trails so there was some space and a garbage bin for this break.

Number 3 was even quick enough with his lunch that he was allowed to explore the forest a little before we went back.

Number 3 on the aqueduct

The Haverud aqueduct was another hour away. Getting there was a bit of an adventure as Google brought us to the wrong side of the canal first and then, there were many “Drive careful, bike race” signs along the way. We made it to the parking lot before the bulk of bicyclists arrived though. Flo would probably be the better person to write about the engineering of it all but you only bet what I gathered: There’s an actual aqueduct as in an iron bridge for water from one lake to the next one, further down. It is part of a contraption with four (!) locks which are all automated by now but used to be manual mechanical locks. The cool thing is: You can walk over the aqueduct and along the canal and locks for a bit. Which is exactly what we did. The Agent was not amused that I wouldn’t let her walk while Number 3 was running and jumping around. I was just way too scared that she wouldn’t listen and accidentally fall into the canal. That’s just me though. 🙂

Number 3 was lobbying for having coffee time (or a second lunch really) right next to the canal. We had bought treats at the supermarket earlier though and they were waiting for us in the car. Plus, the campground was just another 30 minutes away and Flo and I were looking forward to arriving at a camp early for once. So, request denied. Onward, we pushed.

The last maybe 8km to the campground were much fun for Flo and the kids, not so much for me. Whoever engineered this road would have been better suited for designing roller coasters. Up and down, left and right…I felt thoroughly shaken, not stirred (Flo: Nono, for real. Like, 0G perfect parabpolic kind of hops and 2G turns – I had so much fun!).

Climbing out

The destination was worth it. We arrived to a serene lake with a trampoline in the water, grassy areas to camp and two lovely picnic bench-table-combinations right next to the playground. The reception was closed until 4pm (we’d later find out that the owner had to walk his dogs) so we had coffee at the benches. Afterwards, Flo checked us in and we set up at the hillside, overlooking the lake. At this point, Flo and I had agreed on staying here for two nights to just chill and relax…and well, enjoy our holidays. Number 3 and Flo went swimming for a bit. The Agent seemed keen at first but changed her mind as soon as her feet were in the water. Instead, she just wanted to walk alongside the lake as close to the water as possible but not IN it. No swimming for me then. It still seemed really cold so I didn’t mind too much.

Flo even cooked dinner before two tired kids went to bed. As soon as the sun disappeared behind the hill it got chilly, so we only blogged a little before retiring to the tent ourselves.