Day 31 – Like pulling teeth

It is upon us! The rest day is here! So what event to write about a day with the sole purpose of relaxing and refuelling?  Well, I will try to keep it brief. It was a lovely day. Of course, with a kid, there might never be such a thing as a perfect day.

The hair in today’s soup was a familiar one: Molar number four (for Number 3)! Sleep was a bit rough and he is just that bit less relaxed and more complain-y. After seeing how wolfishly jagged the other three turned out to be, it is hard to blame him for it. Still … the bipolar alternating between crying and joy takes a bit of the chill out of relaxation.

Wait, what is going …

Don’t get me wrong, there was plenty of that for all of us. Number 3 walked up and down maybe 100 stairs or more, while Nina and I did some light research, blogging and a lot of generally not very much. Oh, yes, and a lot of chook chasing for Number 3. The three resident hens turned out to be of great entertainment value.

Lunch was silky smooth scrambled eggs with caramelized onions. One way I found to prepare eggs even to my liking. We felt we had a good reason to use up all our eggs in storage, since we could restock for 10ct a piece straight from the coop 20m from here.

Oh, we gave the pool another shot with Number 3 – still too cool for him. He was still quite the trooper though, taking shock to the nether regions with only very little screaming. After that, we called it a night with some ice cream and a drink at the bar. Another Portuguese Liqueur called Beirāo. Again, sweet enough that Nina liked it a bit.