Time to leave

It’s been a rough week. Getting rid of everything in our flat was way more time-consuming than I’d ever imagined. I’d like to take this moment now that we are waiting to board our flight to thank everybody who helped us that much.

At times I thought we wouldn’t manage it and I was quite stressed out. But this way I didn’t think too much about all the good-byes. Now that we have time again and can slow down a bit (at least during the flight), I’d like to say that you’ve all been amazing and helpful and kind and and and 🙂 So Flo and I will miss you a lot. Thanks for waiting with us at the airport. We will see if the flight really leave tonight. 🙂 Maybe Flo jinxed the passenger announcement system. 🙂

But anyhow, now it’s good-bye Frankfurt. We will be back.

Hello New Zealand, I am looking forward to a lot of adventures. And fun. And friends. And everything else. 🙂