Yearly Archives: 2008

I officially have a cold now. My nose keeps attempting to run away and for some reason I can feel my collar bones. O.o [/whine]

Today was nice and relaxed. Ellie, the German girl in my room, is good company.
Also the day was glorious again, so I went outside to sit in the sun, organize things and read a bit. After sitting at my spot for about 10 minutes, Simeon randomly came along. So I had fun company and a very unhealthy chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips on top of it. *gg* *chocolate monster* Happy note: I’m getting a tan. In winter!!! Whee. =)

Tina called me some time today. It’s odd to get a phone call on your cell phone and the other person speaks German to you. For a second I had a shock, thinking someone from Germany was calling. That would have been expensive. O.O
Looking forward to seeing her again now. =) She called to ask if there was anything special I would like to do in my time at her place. If I would want to go skiing. O.o I’ve been skiing once in my life and I doubt I still remember anything. She doesn’t ski as well so we might just take a lesson and a ride for the fun of it. =D Also, she said that Alan asked if we drop by to see him at his farm which we will do. =D

Been a good girl and read for uni. I now reached the part with relevant information…after reading 250 pages of nonsense basically. O.o
catching up on pictures

For the more visual orientated people amongst you:

birthday girl and birthday cake
Looky, looky, who’s got cake? =P
It was good cake too. With a lot of cocoa on top.
When Paula blew out the candles, she also blew cocoa powder all over me.
That’s right, I was standing out afterwards…the girl who smelled like cocoa instead of kerosene. =P

Thumbs up for Becky taking awesome pictures. =)

Paula having some of her cake

Analiese and Matt
…very cute

Paula and Matt fire dancing

That would be Naomi’s silhouette

Naomi fire breathing

Paula posing for a picture =P


Maybe I do have a faible for other people’s head wear. =P I stole Hamish’s hat. Okay, “stole” might not be the right expression because when I grabbed it, he said “go on, have it, plus a bit of sweat from my forehead.” O.o *lol* So I was wearing it…and I shouldn’t have given it back. Technically, he didn’t tell me to give it back. =P
Anyway, Hamish took another picture of me with his hat…where it’s down over my eyes. *lol* See, Hamish’s head is HUGE so the hat naturally kept falling over my eyes.

I believe this is about the second picture of the two of us…that ever existed.

Brewing of the Marmitini….ewww….*shudder*
It’s basically beer, Marmite and vanilla ice cream. O.o

Cheers! O.o

Looks like Hamish accused her of something. O.o Maybe he had it coming after all…

I got slapped! Whoa, the most horrible picture ever. =P
Mash walked over and told me that he’s seen it all, just a random attack of Naomi, he would be my witness if I wanna sue her. =P
Hamish is cracking up laughing and I’m over the first shock as well and am laughing my ass off. =P

But yeah…be aware around Naomi. O.o If she says she’ll kick your ass, she’ll do it. She most definitely has the strength for it.

Today, the weather wasn’t too well but it wasn’t raining so I decided to go to the zoo. Wellington zoo is small but I like it. Pics sometime when my internet access is better. When I arrived they were having the kiwi talk which meant that there was a kiwi on display. Its name was Tahi and it only had one leg, poor thing. That means that it couldn’t walk but made funny jumps on that one leg to get to places. =S I was late so people were already leaving…which left me there alone with the keeper. We talked a bit, he was very impressed with my English (don’t tell me, people! I wish I could believe it but all it does is making me really self-conscious.) and then he let me feed the kiwi! *beam* Feeding it basically meant that I got a worm into the palm of my hand and Tahi would hop over and grab it out of there with its beak. Soooooooooo cute!!!! Awwww! Very cool!
Walked around in more or less sunshine, looking at animals. The red pandas were fed when I was there and they are so cute as well. The keeper had a tray with fruits with her and one of them would sit down in it, blocking most of it off for the other panda while eating as much as it could. *rofl*
On the way back to the exit I came across the cotton top Tamarins, very small monkeys. They were being fed by the same keeper who displayed the kiwi. After everyone but me was gone again, he let me feed the monkeys as well. =D He was just like “you were feeding a kiwi today. Wanna feed some monkeys as well?” Sure…what kind of question is that? =P They eat worms, too, so I would hold them between my finger tips and they would come over and grab it with their tiny little hands. With impressive claws for their size. *gg*

Plans II

I bought my train tickets to National Park. I will leave on the 29th of August and am back in the evening of the 5th of September. Both ways by train. I got a special on the way there so it was only 49NZ$, even cheaper than the bus, so I figured I can take the train back as well. =)

It’s moving day. I will move out of Horst’s and Bet’s place and gonna reside in the Palace of Air guitar for a week. If you are confused…I will flat with Dave the tall One from the crazy flat. =P
Also I decided that afterwards I’m gonna move into Nomad’s. Again. For a couple of reasons. First of all for the nostalgic one. Second because it’s very central and I can walk everywhere. Third because I feel like a nomad and should enjoy having a bed to sleep in again after a month on couches and the floor. I don’t wanna sound unthankful because it’s been great so far and really quite comfortable but still, a week in a real bed can’t hurt. =P And as much as I love you all and love being surrounded by friends, there are times I wish I had a door that I could close for a while. =) Hope you understand it in the right way. =) It’s just a bit exhausting at times and most definitely doesn’t help with my uni stuff. *gg*

Need to plan more. Somehow I’m really lazy…O.o Oh well, I call it “a holiday” after all. =P

Teh awesomeness

Picspam and ramblings from today. The last two days were so lovely again, I hope we really have a break-through now, weatherwise. *lol*
Please don’t take me too seriously today, I am severely sleep-deprived and I managed to get myself sunburnt. Only the light version of it which will turn into a tan in no time but I feel like patting myself on the head for getting sunburnt in winter. *cough*
Here we go

Naomi’s party

This will probably contain a lot of rambling…

We arrived at the party place at about 9pm and ran into Hamish and Nick on the front door.
Not many people were there already which meant that Salem was still around though a bit skittish because of all the people it didn’t know. Anyway, trust me to find the cat first before I see people I know. =P I went through the lounge where nobody was, into the kitchen and on the way into the room with people, I found Salem and was distracted. It is such a beauty! Completely black and very beautiful yellow eyes. I patted it for about 3 minutes and then Ben and other people came that way and it disappeared. “Oh, you found an animal, haven’t you?” – “Yeah, it’s a black cat. It’s gone now. Probably scared because of all the people.” – “Yeah, I’m scary. *grin*”
I like Ben. It was funny in the game already and we talked basically on the whole way to the party. Apparently I was the first German roleplayer he ever met.
For the first hour basically I was quite occupied with finding Salem and patting it. *gg* It mostly sat on the top of a chair in a corner. Though suddenly it jumped onto the lap of one of the guys living there, this is how I got to know Mike. *lol* Talked to Mike, patted the cat, then having the cat put onto my lap.
More people arrived and I was surprised about how many people I actually knew there. In one of the corners there were Nick and Becky, Paula and Hamish, Analiese and her boyfriend Matt. Then there was quite a big circle of roleplayers that I know, Simeon and Marie were there and Aaron was there, without Bex though.
Around 10ish things started to happen outside. They had a big tonne with a fire in it so we were standing around it, feeling like hobos. =P Naomi started all of the fireworks which was nice but not that much.
But people actually did fire action too. Sam was starting it but Hamish soon joined him, Paula had fire poi with her which Matt used a lot too and she was doing stuff with the staff as well. It looks really cool! I would burn myself so badly but watching it is awesome. Somehow I ended up being the person who opened and closed the jar with kerosine for them…and my hands stank so badly afterwards. *lol* I also met Pearl who is my neighbour till tomorrow. *gg*
I hang out a lot with Aaron. He loved to be a pain in the ass though cause he tickled me so much that I completely embarrassed myself. Seriously. He tickled me and I jumped. Then he tickled me and blamed Gynn for it. He basically said “No, Gynn just tickled you! Gynn just say ‘yes'”. Which Gynn didn’t do so I explained to him that he was just accused of tickling me. “Nah, I didn’t. Not so far.” And he started to tickle-attack me. It made me jump backwards into people….*cough* I just got really paranoid…
So I decided to go to the other part of the party area. Which made me cross the dancing area. Ben was the only one on there, dancing alone to some techno. He grinned at me and tried to get me to dance as well….but I don’t dance…especially not to techno.
I got back into the talking area and Aaron continued to tickle me. Actually he tried to put my arms up so Mike Forster could tickle me. I dodged backwards and we both kinda crashed into Rohan’s wardrobe. *cough* I’ve been so classy that night. =P
Went outside to get a bit of fresh air and Sam followed me outside. Because it wasn’t raining he lit all the torches again, being challenged because I said it won’t work. =P But it was cold so we went in again soon. In the meantime, the party in the talking area had just died so I sat down next to the dancing area, watching some dancers, talking to Aaron and a bit to Hamish and Becky. Aaron was trying to get me to dance as well but I just didn’t want to.
Things got a bit quieter, people settled on the couches and the beanie bags, some food was served like sausage rolls and pizza.
At that stage I was really impressed with Mike’s energy cause he just kept bouncing and bouncing and bouncing. O.O
I was okay, a bit tired but intending to go for quite a while. Then Nick turned up again to give Becky and Hamish a lift home…and he could drop me off on the way which was just too good to not do it. I wasn’t really keen on walking through the night to get back home. So I left at about 4am.

I talked to a whole lot more people than mentioned here but to be honest, I forgot most names already. Also I somehow hugged a lot of people or got hugged. Like Gynn. Who, I think, hugged everybody before he left. *gg*