Day 118 – Overdue (Stats 103 Timor-Leste)

cc-by Nicolas Raymond

cc-by Nicolas Raymond

A lot of little things to do accumulate when we are travelling. Most of the time, we do not get through all of them in our evening downtime. Or the required facilities are not around (WiFi, Laundries etc). So the little scratches, tears and aches accumulate, until it is time to just not move, rest, watch a movie and get through our homework.

We stayed in our Probbolingo hotel for one more day. They had WiFi, a good warung across the street and bug-free beds (I murdered a lone bedbug, but I feel that we have brought that with us).

We got our mid-term plans for Indonesia to Malaysia shipping and a visit to my dad in Thailand over Christmas / New Year’s sorted out in concept. There is even time to finally do the Timor-Leste stats post. So here we go.

Country data #3: Timor-Leste

Full screen version of the map

  • 1087 km traveled (928 km of GPS tracked)
  • 9 travel days, 19 days total
  • $18.21 Average cost per night (5x room, 1x camping, 12x invitation)
  • 71.38l of standard fuel for $ 115.14 (6.5 l / 100km)
  • ~$22.02 for food every day, always eating out with some invitations
  • ~$1.500 in total

All $ values are converted to NZD.

Final note

One noteworthy thing happened at night. As we were on our way to dinner, we first heard fireworks and then the sound of drums. A moment later, a whole marching band came down the street in front of the hotel. They were announcing a groom and bride on their neon lit horse drawn dragon carriage coming through. Complete with video crew and everything. Two minutes, then they were gone, but gosh – in Germany the motorcade customarily toot their horns to announce a wedding to the community, but a marching band is something new …